Andy Warhol

Marilyn Monroe Pop Art by Andy Warhol
"They always say time changes things, but actually you have to change them yourself." -Andy Warhol
    Welcome to our website! Our names are Molly Kristoff and Jessica Breclaw, and we created this website as a project for our English 106 class at Purdue University. The project is to create a website that is about someone that we think is a hero, or someone that we admire. We chose to do this website about someone that we admire, and for us, that person is Andy Warhol. This particular website is for people who have heard about Andy Warhol and recognize some of the work that he has done, but still want to know more. We chose to make our website about Andy Warhol because he is such a fascinating person who started a revolution in art and pop culture.

    This site is filled with information about Andy, including his biography, his philosophy about certain aspects of his life, some of his artwork and other projects that he has done throughout his lifetime. We focus more on his philosophy of life and his personal life though, rather than just his art. If you are interested in purchasing any of his artwork, you can go to this art gallery, which contains thousands of different pieces created by Andy. If you would like to see all of his artwork without having to purchase it, you can visit the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Andy Warhol changed the way people think about art with his new techniques and his view on what is considered to be "art". He took normal, everyday objects and turned them into something beautiful that caught the attention of people worldwide. He was an independent person, and did things his way without worrying if people liked it or not. This website will help you see what kind of a person Andy Warhol was, and how he viewed the world around him. 

       "I'm afraid that if you look at a thing long enough, it loses all of its meaning." - Andy Warhol

Coca-Cola Bottle by Andy Warhol